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mapking indian map
Applications > Handheld
168.59 MB

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Jun 16, 2007

gps maps of india with delhi, chennai, bangalore, hyderabad


who the fuck needs maps over India :D EWERYONE knows there exists no such thing as electricity in India haha lol
In case you don't know, India is the world's largest democracy. It is a nuclear power & also one of few countries who can boast of having own super computer. there are issues because of poverty, but who is responsible for that? Europeans only who looted India. Also, culturally, India is richer than any other country in the world & this is where from mathematics, astronomy etc evolved. Most of your European people are now visiting India for Medical tourism as India provides best facility at a fraction of the costs. Also, just apply logic & think - if there were no takers for maps, why would any company develop them in first place?
hey well said abhishek .....


hi abhishek, will these maps work with TomTom 6?
No, these work only with Mapking, which is also available on the bay
Sorry pal, it doesn't work with nokia. This is a windows mobile edition only. You can try Airtel's wayfinder - it works for all smartphones.
what a fucking idiot you are robban..! India is a superpower in intelligence and not in bombing other countries u asshole.. ! without their intelligence u would still be in primitive ages! every country has its strengths.. only a moron filled with jealousy for indians can write something like that..
I think ppl like robban belong to 20th century,they live in megalomaniac country which still thinks they are superior,they r not gobalising and stagnated,ignore them and let god forgive them for their ignorance
No map for mumbai???? :(
OH!! btw robban i really pray to god there's no electricity in india!!! that day we'll be saved from people like you!!!!! specially our brothers who work at the call centres teaching morons like you on how to change batteries of their MAGLITE!!!!
Hi You Phoney, holier than thou , "patriotic Indians !! U all shout of Maths, Sciences etc etc having originated in India-- can you pls send me a ref of the same as I could not locate these. From what I gather , Brahimns had the power of learing and writing and they were only teaching their KIDS / RELATIVEs, rest of you poor SOBs were just workers and Dunm ass lowly grades , not even worth tuching . Tell me in this atmosphere was there any possibility of any scientifica or literary progress .

Look at you own drawback and stop boasting as there is nothing to boast here.
i just fuck ur ASSSSSSSSSS.. bloody fuck youuuuu guys(robba........................................................
dane30...son of a bitch...u needed this...

n stop criticising india...u ppl wouldnt even have the knowledge of what 1st graders here have... stop cryin over others success... if u are really that brillant...try 2 get a job competing with an indian in ur country...bloody loser...n most of all get ur history right... good luck bastard
dane30...son of a bitch...u needed this...

or u can try ur very own wikipedia

n stop criticising india...u ppl wouldnt even have the knowledge of what 1st graders here have... stop cryin over others success... if u are really that brillant...try 2 get a job competing with an indian in ur country...v dont need to boast...v own a rightful place in history...just because u r white skinned n ur gr8 grandfathers bumped into some foreign land in search of food n gold, doesnt make u ppl gr8..bloody losers...n get ur history right first... then u can start commenting...good for nothing asshole..
come on guys dont waste your time in fightin with those shitheads............